Advanced Typography - Exercises

02.04.2019 - 07.05.2019 | Week 1 - Week 6
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Advanced Typography


Lecture 1 

02.04.2018 | Week 1

This is our first class for Advanced Typography, Mr Vinod brief us about the mib, and also introduced our first exercise, which is typographic system.

Lecture 2 

09.04.2018 | Week 2

On this week, we are going to do the lecture which different group have to present the topic of typographic system that has been assigned.

Compilation of Lecture Slides:

Lecture 3 

16.04.2019 | Week 3

No lecture on this week, we continue on the typographic system exercise and ask feedback from both lecturers. In end of the class, Mr Vinod gave us the brief of our next exercise.

Lecture 4 

23.04.2019 | Week 4

Lecture Slides:

Lecture 5

30.04.2019 | Week 5

No lecture this week, we continue to work on type and play part 1 and consult with both Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul for feedbacks. After they put an end to out type and pay part one, they started to brief us about type and play part 2 by showing us some examples and we start to work on it.

Lecture 6

07.05.2019 | Week 6

Lecture Slides:

Lecture 7


Typographic Systems | Week 1 - 3

The exploration of the various systems would ultimately be used as a basis for Project 1 and 2. Size 200 x 200 mm. In addition to Exercises / Typographic Systems & Finding Type (Part 1 & 2) Week , you can use one other colour. Graphical elements (line, dot, etc.) can be used but limitedly.

The content given for task:

Fig 1.1 Content Given for Typographic System Exersice 


We are assign to express the text using the 8 following Typographic Systems:
Axial, Radial, Dilatational, Random, Grid, Modular, Transitional and Bilateral.


We started our raw sketch before we go into digitise.

Fig 1.4 Sketch For Each Typographic System

Fig 1.4 Sketch For Each Typographic System

Fig 1.4 Sketch For Each Typographic System


After we sketch out our idea, we then start our digitise process using Adobe indesign.

Fig 1.5 Digitise in Adobe InDesign
Fig 1.6 Final Outcome (Page) - Axial System 

Fig 1.7 Final Outcome (Page) - Axial System

Fig 1.8 Final Outcome (Page) - Radial System

Fig 1.9 Final Outcome (Page) - Radial System

Fig 1.10 Final Outcome (Page) - Dilatational System

Fig 1.11 Final Outcome (Page) - Dilatational System

Fig 1.12 Final Outcome (Page) - Random System

Fig 1.13 Final Outcome (Page) - Random System

Fig 1.14  Final Outcome (Page) - Grid  System

Fig 1.15 Final Outcome (Page) - Grid System

Fig 1.16  Final Outcome (Page) - Modular System

Fig 1.17 Final Outcome (Page) - Modular System

Fig 1.18  Final Outcome (Page) - Transitional System

Fig 1.9  Final Outcome (Page) - Transitional System

Fig 1.20  Final Outcome (Page) - Bilateral  System

Fig 1.20  Final Outcome (Page) - Bilateral  System

Fig 1.21 Final Outcome (Spreads) - Axial System

Fig 1.22 Final Outcome (Spreads)  - Radial System 

Fig 1.23 Final Outcome (Spreads) - Dilatational System

Fig 1.24 Final Outcome (Spreads)  - Random System

Fg 1.25 Final Outcome (Spreads)  - Grid System 

Fg 1.26 Final Outcome (Spreads) - Modular System

Fig 1.27 Final Outcome (Spread) - Transitional System

Fig 1.28 Final Outcome (Spreads) - Bileteral

Fig 1.29 Thumbnails - Final Outcome

Fig 1.29 Thumbnails - Final Outcome

Fig 1.30 Embedded PDF (Typographic Systems) - Final Outcome in Pages

Fig 1.31 Embedded PDF (Typographic Systems) - Final Outcome in Spreads 

Type & Play (Part 1) | Week 4

Fig 1.32 Photograph chosen for Type & Play Part 1

Fig 1.33 Screenshot of process 

Fig 1.34 Process of looking alphabet 

Attempt 1 :

Fig 1.35 Attempt 1 - Type & Play Part 1

Fig 1.36 Attempt 1 - Type & Play Part 1

Fig 1.37 Attempt 1 - Type & Play Part 1

After getting feedback from Mr Vinod, he advised me to make the letter L and X strokes ticker to make it more consisted and will result a better looking.

Final Outcome :

Fig 1.38 Embedded PDF File - Dissect Process

Fig 1.39 Embedded PDF File - Final Outcome 

Type & Play Part 2

After Mr Vinod brief us about the following exercise, we start to choose a photograph to work on. I decided to work on a ballerina since it involve movement in the photograph itself and I think It would be interesting by applying type in it.

Fig 1.40 Chosen Photograph 

Attempts & Progress

Fig 1.41 Attempt 1

Fig 1.42 Attempt 2

After getting feedback from Mr Vinod, he prefer the first attempt of my design by saying that the interplay was there but need to improve the design, add more interplay in it and make it more advanced.


Week 2

General Feedback 
Mr Vinod commened about the overall presentation, he mentioned that having eye contact with our audience is important when we are presenting. We must also be clear about the content and inforamtion thatwe are presenting. Besides, both presenters and audience should ask question when there is something unclear. For our typographic system exercise, Mr Vinod adviced us not to use colour before we complete the design, colour and non-objective elements may only be added if neccasary. Also, if we are stuck in the digitise process, always reference back our sketch to have clearer and solid about it.

Specific Feedback
Mr Vinod mentioned that my axial is not so accurate, he then show me some example to design a exact axial system, and he adviced me to make changes on it. And he says that my sketch overall looking ok.

Week 3

General Feedback
Mr VInod adviced us only add in non-objective elements if necassary, for usage of colour, we can choose some very light and minimal colour to apply. Before class end, he gave us a brief of the next exercise and show us some example of doing it, and noted us to choose our photograph wisely.

Specific Feedback
Mr Vinod said that my overall design looks fine. For the content, he adviced me to set the font size between 8-12 pt, and aware of the important content that need to highlight, which is for the lecturer and time, i must make the lecturer names stands by using a smaller font size on date which will not affect the overall compositon. Besides, for axial, Mr Vinod ask me to adjust the alignment more in order to make it more accurate.

Week 4

Specific Feedback
Mr Shamsul commented that my blog are overall done, but do remember to attache the lecture slides and upload my slides on time. Mr Vinod was giving feedback on my typographic system, he ask me to make changes on one of my radial design, and my random was looking struture and still systematic, which i need to make it more to random. Besides, my modular design was not so accurate, Mr Vinod draw out some example and guide me to make changes on it. And he said the other design was looking well, just need to make changes on the sysytems he mentioned,

Week 5

General Feedback:
Mr Vinod explain further to us about the type and play part 1, he mentioned that we have to find some similar characteristic from an existing typeface when we dissect the alphabet, where we need to determine which characteristic to keep in the alphabet.

Specific Feedback:
Mr Shamsul commented my process for type and play part 1 overall looking good, and keep working on it t have a better outcome. For type and play part 2, Mr Shamsul ask my to change some sentence since it was not so accurate for the iamge i choose.

Week 6

Online Feedback from Mr Vinod:
There is clear interplay between image and type. I wonder if you would be able to elevate the integration between the two to a more exciting level? Perhaps the type could take on characteristics of the image, but this needs a some amount of exploration. I hope this helps. Do take a look at Rausha's work, or Joanna's work... it would give you and idea of what I'm trying to explain here. However do take note that their attempts aren't complete.

Week 7

Specific feedback: 
Mr Vinod commented that my type and play part one overall have done a good job, the type face is nice, but the stroke of letter L and letter Y should be thicker in order to make the porpotion consistent and have a bettr looking. Also, Mr Vinod advice me to put more interplay for my type and play part 2, focus on attempt 1 and work further on it.



Week 1

We are separated in different group and each group have been assigned different part of the typographic system to present in the following week. Then we started to sketch for different type of typographic system with the given content.

Week 2

The overall presentation was going very well, but still have space to improve in order to have a better presentation. We started to digitise our sketch with only black and white using in design.

Week 3

After we finalise our design, we add some limited colours and minimal non-objective elements into our design which make the overall design looks more presentable.

Week 4

Looking for a suitable photograph to work was not easy but interesting experience for me, it is amazing that how we can find alphabet in things that surrounded us that we never even notice before working on this exercise.

Week 5

After we done with our type and play part 1,  Mr Vinod brief us about the next exercise which is type and play part 2. By looking at the example, I was impressed that how the combination of type and picture can form an amazing art piece.


Week 1

Before we digitise our work in indesign, we must always sketch out our idea, which can explore it future before we use the finalised design as a digital artwork

Week 2

We must always refer to the lecture slides and examples to have more accurate typographic system design before we get used to it.

Week 3

As what Mr Vinod mentioned, I need to aware of the important content that need to be more stands out. Then I make changes on the font size of lecture and time, it results a better composition which highlighted the important content while the overall composition is still there.

Week 4

During the process of looking alphabet in my chosen photograph, I observed that alphabet can be appears in various forms, we ,use be aware and look into it to find it out. After finding alphabet in the chosen photograph, we then started our process of dissect it into a more solid alphabet. I also understand that referring an existing typeface do helps a lot in the process of dissect.

Week 5

Choosing a photograph to work with was not easy, it requires us to relate and imagine the photograph and the type that will be perfect while putting them together.


Week 1

By looking at different type of typographic system, I found it interesting like how different placement of text can create various result of visual. Sketch out our idea do help a lot in our design progress which we having rough idea before we step into the actual design process.

Week 2

Sometimes we will lost our idea while changing our design progress into different media, always refer to the original sketch during digitise, it will help to shape and maintain our initial idea.

Week 3 

In the process of digitise, i realise that the choose of colour plays an important role where we can't simply put in random colours and non-objective, it must be appropriate while the highlighted content can be express effectively.

Week 4

As Mr Vinod mentioned, we can find similarity of it from an existing typeface, while we need to choose to keep some characteristic of the alphabet from the original elements we found. I found this part challenging when I need to decide the final outcome of it, because looking for balance in between the characteristic and existing typeface was not easy.

Week 5

Looking at different artwork may help us to develop ideas and inspiration, it was a very helpful method for us to create a good work.

Further Readings 

Week 1

Typographic Systems of Design by Kimberly Elam 

Fig 2.1 Book Cover

Chapter: Non-Objective Elements

This book is basically talking about the 8 typographic system we learn, it provide definition and examples for each typographic system for us to further understand each system which is useful in doing our exercise.

Fig 2.2 Uses of Non-Objective Elements in Typographic Design

Where I found it useful is the part that explaining the uses of non-objectives elements, we can choose to add non-objective elements in our design to make It looking more presentable. Non-objectve elements are able to sharpens and articulate the overall composition of a design, it also enhance the functions of emphasis, organisation and balance.

As the book stated, non-objective elements must be use carefully, since overusing it may have risk of overwhelm or affect the content that need to be highlight, it can be due to volume of colour or the complex shape of non-objective elements.

Week 4

Typographic Design : Form and Communication

Fig 2.3 Book Cover - Typographic Design

Chapter : Typography on Screen | Selecting Typeface 

This chapter is focus on how we choose a suitable typrface on screen which uses on device, discuss about the imporatance of it, and how typography plays a significant role in terms of presenting on screen.

Fig 2.4 Typefaces that avaible online
The word 'simplicty' in this case are representing that choosing a suitbale typeface with simple construction will be more effective when transakate the text into digital form. An appropriate typeface will be able to visually signify the meaning of the words, which means that different typeface may portrays different visual inflection of the meaning for certain word.


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