Typography - Project 1

03.10.2018 - 24.10.2018 | Week 7- Week 8
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Project 1


Lecture 7 : Types of Fonts | Text Formatting 

10.10.2018 | Week 7

Type of fonts
Serif fonts are the most common text / body text font. They can be used as headlines too. Serifs refer too the little feet or arms that hang off the end of letter strokes. There are three sub categories in serif fonts which are Oldstyle, Modern and Square Serif.

Sans Serif
Sans Serif are fonts without serifs and usually have an overall even stroke weight, which creates little contrast for the letters. Sans Serif fonts can evoke a more modern look for a report but some feel can be harder to read in comparison to a serif font.

Decorative fonts and are designed to be used as attention getting headline fonts. They should rarely, if ever, be used as body copy fonts.

Script fonts are designed to mimic handwriting, therefore, the letters are designed to touch one another. These fonts may be the more traditional type used for formal invitations. Script fonts should never be used in all capitals.

Based on the hand-drawn letter made by early monks for religious books, text fonts have an “old-world” feel to them. They are mostly used for certificates, diplomas and invitations. As with script fonts, they should never be used in all capitals.

Most fonts are proportionally spaced; that is smaller characters take up less space than larger ones. For example the letter “I" is note as wide as the letter “M”. In contrast, mono-spaced fonts, which are usually typewriter-style fonts, take up the same amount of space regardless of the actual letter.

Dingbats are symbols that are small pieces of art to enhance the design of the text or page. While Zapf Dingbats and Wingdings are the most common dingbats, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of different designs available.

Then Mr Vinod move on to talk about large amount text formatting which related to Project 1.

Text / Tracking: Kerning and Letterspacing
The term ‘kerning’ refers to the automatic adjustment of space between letters. It is often mistakenly referred to as ‘letterspacing. In fact, letterspacing means to add space between the letters. The addition and removal of space in a word or sentence is referred to as ‘tracking’.

Text / Formatting
There is four type of alignment for text : Left, Right, Centre and Justified.

Lecture 8

17.10.12018 | Week 8

No lecture on this week, we are ask to continue working on project 1.


Project 1 | Text Formatting and Expression

We are require to illustrate large amount go text using adobe indesign. The text that have given to us was the First Thing First Manifesto 2000.

Alignment & Text Formatting Exercise

We are assigned to work on 4 different alignment, using adobe indesign to adjust the kernings and tracking and print it out as refer.

Figure 1.1 : Left Alignment 

Figure 1.2 : Right Alignment  

Figure 1.3 : Centre Alignment 

Figure 1.4 : Justified

Design Progress & Attempts 

Then we started on our project 1, to express the texts in adobe indesign.

Figure 1.5 : First Attempt: Cover Page (Front)

Figure 1.6 : First Attempt: Page 1 - Page 2

Figure 1.7 : First Attempt: Page 3 - Page 4

Figure 1.8 : First Attempt: Page 5 - Page 6

Figure 1.9 : First Attempt: Cover Page (Back)
After I getting feedback from Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul, I change and improve some of the design and make sure the alignment of text and the tracking looks better.

Figure 1.10 : Second Attempt: Cover Page (Front)

Figure 1.11 : Second Attempt: Page 1 - Page 2

Figure 1.12 : Second Attempt: Page 3 - Page 4

Figure 1.13 : Second Attempt: Page 5 - Page 6

Figure 1.14 : Second Attempt: Cover Page (Back)

Then Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul advice me to use less typeface for my project, also aware for both cover and content to have same style of design. Then I finally come out with my final work on project 1.

Final Outcome

Project 1 Final Outcome :  Thumbnails

Figure 1.15 : Project 1 Thumbnails 

Project 1 Final Outcome :  PDF

Fig 1.16 PDF File - Project 1

Printed Book

Fig 1.17 Printed (Book Cover - Front)

Fig 1.18 Printed Book (Pg 1-2)

Fig 1.19 Printed Book (Pg 3-4)
Fig 1.20 Printed Book (Pg 5-6)
Fig 1.21 Printed (Book Cover - Back)


Week 7

Mr Vinod approved the final outcome for my type expression also the animation, he commented that the outcome is nice and overall it was good. For project 1, Mr Vinod comment that my placement and kerning overall looks good, the only thing that was not good enough was the typeface i choose which is univers has lower readability, he still accept that and advice that we need to learn from mistake.

Week 8

Mr Vinod commented on my cover page where the design can't really illustrate the 'first thing first' well, and the text within one page should be align. Besides, he also mentioned that  we don't need to express all the words in the sentence which like what I have done wrongly, he advice me to do some changes and try to improve my work for a better outcome.

Week 10

Specific feedback : I asked feedback for my project 1 from both Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul, they give me some advice to do some improvement for it in order to have a better outcome, the thing I need to aware was the aligment of works and the tracking, Mr Vinod also told me not to rush on it.

Week 12

Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul mentioned that i am using too much typeface in my project one. Also, the content in the book should have the same style with the cover. After i do changes and rearrange some of the text, Mr Shamsul approved it and advice me to adjust the alignment little more. Besides, Mr Vinod advice me to get my blog complete by tonight.



Week 7

After Mr Vinod put an end to our exercises, we started to work on Project 1, Mr Vinod gave us the lecture that relate to our project 1 requirement, then we are ask to try on 4 different alignment of text and adjust kerning and the leading of the texts.

Week 8

We continue working on our project 1, Mr Vinod advice us to look into designer's work for how they illustrate words well. As what Mr Vinod mentioned about, I try to make my work wore align which results in a better composition of texts


Week 7

This was the first time for me to using indesign, it is different from photoshop and illustrator which I was doing a lot of notes to utilise it better.

Week 8

We must read and understands the text before we can express it well. It was not easy to express the whole sentence, this is different with our previous exercise that only need to express one word each.


Week 7

Different alignment can creates different effects on work, during the process of  doing this, I get to know that how kerning plays a significant role in text formatting. Also, it was not necessary to get all the text be exactly in the same line length, the point of leading is to make the overall text looks smooth an nice.

Week 8

We must do more research and look into some other designers work to have a clearer vision and idea, which will be helpful for us to create a better work.

Further Readings

Week 7

Type Rules : The Designer's Guide to Professional Typography

By Ilene Strizver

Mr Vinod advised us to reach more about how to work with large amount of text and get to know more information in order to have a better outcome for our project.

Chapter 5 : Formatting your type

Different Type of Line Length 

Line Length

Line length plays a significant role in text formatting, we must learn to control the line length in order to improve the readability of text.If the line length is too short, there will be too many hyphenated words. These interfere with readability and force the reader to jump to new lines so often that it affects reading comprehension. Besides, line lengths that are too long can create confusion by making it more difficult for the eye to find the beginning of the next line in large blocks of text. A general guide is to have in the neighborhood of 45 to 75 characters per line.


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