Video & Sound Production - Exercises

01.04.2019 - .2019 | Week 1 - Week 7
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Video & Sound Production

Week 1


Premier Pro Basic Exercise 

After the MIB briefing, Mr Martin show us some video example and give us tutorial in premier pro and we started to trim and combine the video in Premier Pro. As exercise, we are required to edit the video footage that have provided.

Editing Process in Premier Pro

Final Outcome : Video Editing Exercise 

Sound Editing Exercise 

After we done with our video editing exercise, Mr Razif taugh us some pratical about Adobe Audition on multitracks and apply effect on sounds using paramatic equaliser.

Multitrack Exercise 

Sound Editing 

Week 2


Sound Editing Exercise

We are required to edit a normal sound to a monster sound by ultilizing Adobe Audition CC with applying effects that we learnt from Mr Razif.

Screenshot of Process

Final Outcome : Monster Sound Exercise

Link to Google Drive : Monster Sound

Exercise :Types of Shots

Screenshot very shot, paste in the provided storyboard template. Begins with the frame size(WS, CU etc), follow by description of the action. Save a pdf file for submission, and also post it in your blog with reflective writing.

Week 3


Video Editing Exercise

We are required to practice our video editing by trimming and compile the viceo that has been provided.

Process of Trimming and Editing 

Final Outcome : Week 3 Exercise:

Shooting Exercise

We have been assigned into differnt groups to complete the shooting exercise based on the provided story board.
We are assign to do shooting exercise for 9 different shots as following:
Shots References

Shots References

Final Outcome : Shooting Exercise

It was an interesting experience to involve in this exercise which we can learn how the camera functions and practice different kind of shots.

Week 4


Sound Editing Exercise 

In this week, we are require to  add sound for a provided video, which is Iron Man fighthing scene. To complete this task, we need to search for different sound, compile and edit the sounds to fit the sence and actions.

Sound Editing in Audition
After we done with sound editing, we need to use Premier Pro to combine the sound and video for our fina outcome.

Import sound using Premier Pro

Final Outcome : Iron Man Sound Exercise 

Week 7


Colour Correction Exercise: 

In this exercise, Mr Martin taught us how to do colour correction for videos by reference to lumetri scopes and do adjustment using lumetri colour. AseExercise, we use the editing exercise video we have done to apply on colour adjustment.

Process of Colour Correction 

Final Outcome : Colour Correction Exercise


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