Interactive Design - Project 1

18.04.2019 - 25.04.2019 | Week 3 - 4
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Interactive Design
Project 1


Week 3

Lecturer Slides:


Progress & Outcome

After Mr Shamsul brief us about our project 1, we started to develop our idea, and listed down all the information and content that need to be apply in our design of landing page

Idea and Notes :

Visual Reference :

I decided to use minimalist design on my landing page, hence I started to take a look on some webpage that uses minimal style before I start to sketch the layout.
Example for good minimalist design landing page:

Visual Reference - Landing Page 

Visual Reference - Landing Page 

Visual Reference - Landing Page 

Sketch :

Attempt 1 :

First Attempt 

After getting feedback from Mr Shamsul, I look into several examples and started to improve my design.

Final Outcome :

Final Outcome (Jpg) - Project 1


Week 3

Specific Feedback:

Mr Shamsul mentioned that I need to have a specific purpose for my webpage and try to make it clear to our target audience, the overall idea was good and keep working on it.

Week 4

Specific Feedback:

Mr Shamsul commented that the first part of my landing page was overwhelm, the information was too much in a place. Besides, the purpose of website still unclear, which I need to include call to action in my landing page. In Addition, the width and distance should be same between properties, the footer lack of information which I need to explore and add more details into it.

Further Readings


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