Video & Sound Production - Project 2

03.05.2019 - 31.05.2019 | Week 5 - Week 9
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Video & Sound Production
Project 2


Project 2 : Shooting Exercise

The project 2 is a shooting exercise that based on a topic and story board that provided, we are seperate into two groups to film two diffent parts of the video, compile and edit the footages as a complete video by also ultize colour correction and sound techniques .

Reference Video:

Story Board

Lists & Shooting Schedule: 

After we sepearte into two groups, we decided roles for everyone, discuss about shooting locations, props, cosutme and also makeup. Besides, in order to plan our time well, we create a shooting schedule based on different scene and location.

Shooting Day:

During the shooting, it was overall going well by following the shooting schedule we have planned out, for some scene, Mr Martin and Mr Razif also assist us in terms of filming and sound recording.

Editing Process:

After both groups done for the shooting, we exchange footages and started to compile and edit it using adobe Premier Pro to produce a complete vidoe for it.

Final Outcome: 


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