Advanced Typography - Project 2

21.05.2019 -28.05.2019 | Week 8 - Week 9
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Advanced Typography
Project 2


Week 9

No lecture this week, we continue to work on our project 2, Mr Vinod also brief us about our final project in the end of our class.

Week 10

No lecture this week due to public holiday, we continue to work on project 2 and start to develop idea for our finl project.


Design Process

Poster Design

In this project, we are going to use the keyartwork we have done from the previous project and create a poster for Trouble Makers Manifesto but putting in the provided information and content.

Fig 1.1 Key Artwork (Project 1 Outcome)

Fig 1.2 Provided information of the event 

During the process of design, I get feedbacks from both Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul and try on diffent placement and composotion for the content by comparing each differnt design. By getting their feedbacks and looking around in class, i found some limitation in my design which i need to work harder to improve my poster design espacially in terms of alignment between the Keyartwork and alignment of content.

Fig 1.3 Process of design in illustrator 

The first few attempts of my design was lacking of alignment in the overall design, after i fixed the problem, Mr Vinod advised me to play around with my content which make it more interesting and stands out instead of p-utting it in a big chunk of texts that lack attractive for audience to read it.

Fig 1.4 Final Outcome (Jpg)

Fig 1.5 Final Outcome (Embedded PDF file)

Collateral Mock up 

After we finalize with our poster design, we are required to apply our key artwork on collaterals which is the merchandise for the event. Hence, I decided to work on t-shirt and tote bag, i started on putting my key artwork on blank template of t-shirt and tote bag, also doing mock up on the actual product before i print out the final product.


Fig 1.6 T-shirt Templete (Mock up)

Fig 1.7 Printed T-shirt (Mock up)

Tote Bag

Fig 1.8  Bag Templete (Mock up)

Fig 1.9 Printed Tote Bag (Mock up)

Printed Poster

Fig 1.10 Project 2 - Printed Poster

Final Outcome 

After we done with all our collateral, we are required to put it in a suitable composition of flat-Lay to show our all the final outcomes which included poster, collateral (t-shirt and tote bag), also the microsite for the event that we have created.

Microsite for Trouble Makers Manifesto

Flat-Lay of Final Outcomes  :

Fig 1.11 Flat-Lay (JPG) : Poster , Tote Bag , T-shirt , Microsite 

Fig 1.12 Emcedded PDF of Flat-Lay : Poster , Tote Bag , T-shirt , Microsite 


Week 9

Specific Feedback:
Mr Vinod advised me to look for alignment in the content and information to make the artwork more consistent. Also, for my content, it was too simple which i need to have improvement and enhance the design in a more creative way

Week 10

No feedback due to public holiday.



Week 9
I tried on different placement for my content, which is to play with alignment of it to make the overall composition better.

Week 10
During the holiday, we need to decide our collateral product and print the outcome of it, which i decide my collateral as t-shirt and tote-bag.


Week 9
I was stucked in the process of designing, Mr Vinod advised me to look around at other students work to improve the way i apply my content in the poster.

Week 10
After deciding the collateral i wanted to make, i try to put them on blank templates of t-shirt and tote bag to ensure the composition of the artwork works well on the products before printing it out.


Week 9
The porpotion and alignment of the content is important to decide the overall outcome of the poster, we must always try on differnt placement and look at differnt reference to make our work presentable and suitable.

Week 10
It is interseting while putting the key artwork on different things, the size and placement of it are important to create a presentable oucome of a collateral.

Further Readings

Week 9

Design Elements Typography Fundamentals : A Graphic Style Manual for Understanding How Typography Affects Design by Cullen, Kristin

Fig 2.1 Book Cover - Design Element Typography Fundamentals 

Chapter 5 : Alternate Methods  

Connections between elements is an important factore in decision-makingwhich letterform, word, or line shifts position will be following each other. Such as grids, alignment fosters harmony, those elements depend on one another to decide location and keep the compositional balance.

Fig 2.1 Example of design that apply alternate methods

In conclusion, alternate methods provude different compositional options beyond traditional grids we have learnt. Overall, we can play with differnt structures to find a suitable for deifferent text and content by applying alternate methods as a guideline in our design progress which will be able to create a more favourable and relatble outcome.


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