Design Research Methodology - Research Report & Presentation

14.06.2019 - 03.07.2019 | Week 11 - Week 14
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Design Research Methodology
Research Report & Preseantion


Research Report

A compilation of my projects and research.

Final Presentation Slides


Ms. Jinchi commented that my overall presentation are clear enough which i explain my topic of research well, also answered my research question and the hyphothesis i have made. Besides, Ms. Jinchi also advised me to evaluate different types and field of websites to not have bias for visual analysis.

Dr. Hayati advised me in terms of visual analysis i have done, i can make it as a pilot study for my further research. Other than websites, i can also explore and analyse applications from mobile apps store to further answer my research question by having different perspectives and results.


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