Application Design I - Projects

30.08.19- 29.11.19 | Week 1 - Week 14
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Application Design I


After the briefing for our Project one, we are required to come out with 3 app ideas that we would want to create.

- Give a name for each app.
- Describe what the app is all about
- What issues/problems that the app addresses.
- What is unique about the apps.

Slides for Idea :

Design Process

Business Modal Canvas 

We need to identify our user's need and requirement from our apps, such as key activities that will deliver by the app, key resources to develop the app, key proposition that available in the app, customer relationships and segment and also channels that can promote the app, cost structure and revenue streams for the app.

After Feedback

Competitive Analysis

Analyse existing recipe apps and list out the strenght and weakness for those Apps.

User Personas

Develop User Personas, identify my target audience and listed out the problem faced by them, also the goals for them to use my application.

User Journey Map

After done with my User Personas, a user journey map are created.

Screen Design

Create user flow with screens in Adobe XD.

First Attempt : Screen Design
Screen Design - Lo-Fi Prototype

Linking Screens (Prototype)

After done with the screens of the app, we need to link the screens togtehr based on the user flow and sequence of every step of using the app.

Prototype Linkings

User Testing

We're required to done user testing and find the limitations of our application based on feedback from our research samplings. The user testing been done using the application that having basic features and content of the Lo-Fidelity Prototype.

Screens for User Testing

Link To Google Drive : User Testing Videos

User Testing #1 Joseph 

- overall was good
- confuse in voucher session

User Testing #2 Darrel 

- overall was good
- remind me to link my prototype respectively
- suggest to improve in voucher part

User Testing #3 Chelin 

- overall was good
- suggest to provide user recipe browsing based on ingredient
- need clear command for user with no experience using a recipe app

Visual Design 

After done with user testing, visual design of the application need to be done, by choosing suitable typeface and colour scheme that will be use in the application.

A vector logo was designed to represent nice and healthy food can be cook using a single kitchenware, with typeface that represent having meal.

Final Outcome of Logo :

Final Outcome with Visual Design:

Screenshot of screens in Adobe XD

Link to Final Submission file with video walkthrough of the application: Final Project


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