Game Studies - Project 1

30.08.19- 27.11.19 | Week 1 - Week 14
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Game Studies
Project 1


Game Review 1

Joseph's Game 


Joseph form a game that ultilize money for monopoly and chairs in class, we was seperated in two team, which we play paper cut stone to determine turn of rolling a dice. The number on the dice represent the chair that can be take, the group that have more chair in a limited time will win the game. The overall gamplay experience was fun, it was interesting that this game can be play in anywhere with only few simple tools.

Game Review 2



Paladins is a online Hero shooter video game with mutiplayer , it can also be play as team vs team, the team who get the higher kill will win the game. It contains of different characters with their unique skills and different maps for the players to experience.

Game Review:

We went to cyber cafe to play paladdins with Mr Charles for our first online game review. It was a very interesting experience to play this with my friends, it requires teamwork which each people in the team are playing different roles, each character will have different skills and ability which we need to know thier skills and the way to control the chracter well. It was not easy since it was first time playing this game for some of us, we need to learn all the control key with skill while getting know how the game works. Thw overall gameplay experiece is good, but player's eresponse need to be good ebough which able to

Game Play Video : Paladins

Game Review 3

Mobile Legends


Mobile Legends is a 5v5 MOBA for handheld devices. The game is simple and fast-paced, offering a variety of heroes with diverse skill sets for players to try out. It is overall very fun to play with especially if you are with friends, and it is also beginner-friendly so you can still play this game without any prior experience in other MOBAs. In order to win – which is to take the towers and enemies’ base, a good teamwork is required. There are six roles in the game, which are marksman, mage, fighter, assassin, tank, and support. Each have different parts to play in the game, and it’s up to the players to decide how they want to play the game. We need to know the skills from each different hero in oder to stop/counter the enemies from conquering our base and to get the necessary kills. The heroes are updated every season, which makes the game constantly feel fresh and intriguing.

Game Review:

The overall the experience of playing it was fun, we need to have teamwork with each other in order to win the game, which is to destroy enemies' terraits. However, there was limitations in this game, it consists too much paying features which requires players to invest in the game in order to have a higher level of game play experience like you need to pay for a lot of stuff such as gems for upgrade features. It was a generic gameplay which similar to dota and league of legends and also we can see it from the graphic was not as good as dota and league of legends, even the other similar existing game that is from china. When we was playing it, we match up with random people which having chance to get teammates that did not doing teamwork well which affects the gameplay experience, like not contributing in the team and some didn’t play their own roles well too.

Game Review 4

Intrefaction Strategy game : 


In this game, players will be assigned in to 4 groups with diferent land location that require their specific resource for each place, each group can create resource by trading with each other
the team with most resourse and at least one food to win the game.

Game Review:

During the gameplay, we need to dicuss and plan wisely to trade our resourse with other teams by also look after the availabilty of our resource, we might miss lose something when we are not aware enough. Besides, we need to always keep in mind of matches that needed to create specific resources for each team when we trade with them. What i conclude in the overall gampkay was i found out that discussion among team is important factor that lead us to goal.

Game Review 5

Design & Conquer Game:


Players are seperated into 4 groups and need to create logo for their own team. Resources are provided equally for each group to create designs that can be placed on land owned by them. There was also game master to control the resources, players can also buy material to build or design for land, and given option start a war to conquer the other team.

Game Review:

The overall gameplay experience was meaningful, which each member of the team may need to take part in the game, the given meterials that given for us to design asset for our teritory requires creativity by ultilizing the materials wisely without wasting it. Besides, there was option for players to combine with other team and create a union to defense and streghten their teritory, also decide to start on a war to conquer lands of the other team. In conclusion, we found out that planning and discussion are important factors for us to mange our resource well in order to defense and also survive until the end to achieve the goal as a winner,

Game Review 6

Chicken Cha Cha Cha


It was a multiplayer memory game which can play by 4 to 6 players. The game have 12 different picture to memorise, each player need to memorise the card placement of their next move in order to take a step forward. The goal of thius game is to keep your tail and avoid people to took it, the person with the most tail will be the winner.

Game Set Up

Game Review:

It was a fun game to play, the game design of the cards was portable, which allow players to bring it easily to play in different places. It was easy to learn but reuqire good memory to win the game, one step wrong will give chances other players to beat you in this game. The overall gameplay experience was fun, the characters and design style used by the game was visual appealing which attarcts people to play it that can bring replayable value for this game. However, it can take a long time to finish the game since the players will chase after each other because they already know the placement of cards they need to move.

Game Review 7

The Strategy Game 


A table top straegy game by connecting pieces given with edges that can also function to block the other player to stop their movement. The player who place the most pieces that survive until the end will be the winer.

Game Review:

At first we didnt take the game serious, which we was just simply play around and not really decide our next move with differnt shapes of pieces, but when we realise we are out of move, we then realise this game needed startegy and well decision amizing that organise and ultise all the pieces given in order to block other player's way that stop them to cheive the goal. However, there was limitations existed in this game which was lack of specific goal to determine the winner of the game, some players might have equal amount of pieces left


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