Application Design II - Exercises & Projects

16.04.2020 - 17.07.2020 | Week 1 - Week 14
Kang Jiet Yee | 0336776
Application Design II
Exercises & Projects


Recap Exercise

This exercise is for us to recap the coding skills that we learned from previous semester which to get us prepred to work on our project. I choose to work on my personal website that will include 4 pages which are home, about, galley and also contact page.



Some information about me.


Consist of my photographs and artworks.

Contact me

Buttons to access my social media accounts.

Recap Exercise Video Walkthru:

JQeury & Animation Exercise

JQuery Coding

After we done with recap esercise, Mr Razid taught us about jQuery mobile and we can choose to work on our selected topic for the exercise. So i choose my friend's cafe to work on, the website will incliude 3 pages which are home, menu and cntact page.

Home page

Menu Page

Contact Us Page

Animation script

Page 1 - Home

Page 2 - Menu

Page 3 Contact

Video Outcome for Exercise:


Revised Design:

After i went thru my old design during Application Design I, i decided to make some changes on designs and colour of it, so i came out with new design.

Proposal For Application:

Coding  Process

Home Page 

SIgn Up Page

Discovery Page 

User can choose to browse recipes besed on kitchenware or ingredients.

Browse Kitchenware

Selected Kitachennware Recipes Page 

Ingredients Selection Page 

Recipe Page 

Save to Collection Page

After user saved recipe to collection, they can alwyas check it in their saved collections page.

Collections Page

Search Page 

Profile Page 

Coins Details Page

Details of coins and vouchers

Voucher Page 

User can purchased voucher with their coins in app.

Voucher Details 

Buy Voucher Page 

Purchased voucher will be save in 'my voucher' page.

My Voucher Page 

Purchased Voucher Details

User can use their purchased voucher by clicking 'use now'.

Voucher QR code

User will need to show the QR code below to redeem the voucher.

Animation Script

After i done with all the HTML layout and CSS stylying, i started to work on coding for animation.

App Icon Design

Final Outcome Video

Browser Video Walkthru:

Phone Video Walkthru:


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